Tired of generic VIgara, Try branded Avanifil

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It seems that world is riding on a drive to eradicate erectile dysfunction from the medical dictionaries. The latest commendable entry in the game is yet another drug which is Avanifil. Avanifil is a PDE5 inhibitor approved by FDA in April 2012. PDE5 inhibitors have the capacity to cure to erectile dysfunction in a male.

Why should I switch over to Avanifil instead of trusted Generic Viagra?

Vigara is a trusted method but same cannot be said about its manufactures and various generic brands queuing up to capture the market share. Original Viagra was a hit and a little expensive too these generic Viagra variants are economical but you can’t trust them blindly. You would never like to be deceived by a pill right before the act when a lot of things are at stake. There are a huge percentage of generic Viagra users complaining about the fact that their pill deceived them on the eleventh hour.

These users finally switched to a different option which is Avanifil. Now here they got a drug as good as Viagra that too in a price which is affordable to them. So they prefer a branded version of a different drug over the generic Viagra drug. But the demarcation or the differentiating line is so thin that sometimes they can’t figure out the difference between the generic Viagra and Avanifil. For some people it is yet another trusted brand of generic Viagra.

What are the side effects of Avanifil?

This is one department where generic Viagra scores over Avanifil. Let me remind you the initial days of Viagra.It used to be something like, “it was fine to handle a headache in return for some amazing powerplay”. Viagra was known to have only one side effect which is headache earlier. But in the later run we came to know about other repercussions of Viagra as well. On the other side Avanifil has its own share of side effects ranging from Chest pains to ear ringing, etc. In certain cases they may be sever is someone is allergic to this drug. Also people suffering from heart or liver disease should avoid its use strictly. Here its effect can be fatal for them sometimes. Over all if you are tired of searching generic Viagra on internet then you can switch over to this drug very easily and here you can trust the manufactures of this drug because they have a reputation to protect here.

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